Saturday 21 March 2015

Transport Law in Legal Frameworks

Transport Law in Legal Frameworks

The transport law in legal frameworks involves all aspects of travel methods where the carriage of passengers by road, sea or air. The legal framework applies to the agreement between a carrier and the passengers. There is a contract of carriers formed from the moment the passenger agrees to use the selected carrier.

A carrier is a person who operates a selected method of transport which can be by road, sea or air. In order to use carriers such as taxies and coaches that operate on the roads the passenger is required to book the service in order to use the transport. Once the booking has been made for a coach carrier the passenger will be provided with a ticket which is issued by the carrier, tour operators or someone that is authorised to sell tickets. A contract between the carrier and the passenger is then formed in an agreement to confirm the use of the selected carrier.

Contract of carriage

The contract of carriage links to the common law which impose special obligations on common carriers. The common law states that once a person who wishes to use the service of a selected carrier will be allowed to do so as long as they have paid the applicable fare.  As long as the passenger is willing to pay the applicable fare of the carrier services and is fit to travel it means that the carriers cannot refuse to take the passenger on board. If however the passenger is unfit to travel, unwilling to pay the applicable fares fee or aggressive they can and will be denied the right to use the carrier services. This law applies to all transport methods and must be followed.

Carriage by Air

The air carriage transport law is interesting as it expands into various subsectors. Not all countries share the same law regulations for Air transport carriers. The carrier which in this case would be an aircraft must be in safe to be used as a carrier. This means that regular tests must be undertaken to ensure that the fleet is problem free before allowing the aircraft to be used as a passenger carrier.

Air travel EC denied boarding regulation 1991:

The EC denied boarding regulation 1991 is a law that is followed by air travel carriers in all the European Union countries. The law (regulation) states the benefits a passenger should receive if they have been dined boarding onto a flight. If a passenger has paid for the Air carrier services but the carrier is overbooked it means that some passengers may be denied boarding for their scheduled flight.  The regulation states that if a passenger has been denied boarding due to overbooking they are entitles to a reimbursement for the cost of the ticket for the missed journey.

The passenger should also be offered alternatives which include re-routing to the final destination on another flight or at the earliest convenience. If the passenger is not happy with the alternative flight that they have been offered they can be re-routed at a later date that suits the passenger.  

The same regulation states that air carriers also hold liabilities in the case of a passenger being denied bordering due to overbooking. The liabilities include a minimum compensation which is set by the regulation, meals and refreshments and the cost of contacting the point of destination to which the passenger was scheduled to fly to. In some cases the airline will also need to provide accommodation if the passenger is scheduled to fly at a later date.

This regulation must be followed by all air carriers in the European Union. It shows how the legal frameworks are put into place for both the carriers and the passengers.  The legal framework works in advantage of both the carrier and the passenger as they work together to ensure safe travel at all times which requires different measures of action for all types of carriers.


Saturday 7 March 2015

As you may already know there are a wide range of legal framework that governs the Travel and Tourism industry and the regulatory authorities that manage and control various laws in industry. In detail I will explain some of the legal framework that governs the Travel and Tourism sector. I will be explaining the purpose of he law and enforcement and will also be explaining the processes of settlements for these laws.

Air Travel Organisers' Licensing (ATOL) 

ATOL is used in the United Kingdom as a Civil Aviation Authority scheme that is being used in order to protect people whom are purchasing holiday packages. Well know tour operators such as Thomson and Thomas Cook hold an ATOL licence.
The ATOL licence is essential for tour operators as they may be breaching legal rules by illegally selling air travel tickets and holiday packages. The ATOL licence is used in order to ensure that a fair deal is being offered to customers and tourists travelling from the UK. By obtaining a ATOL license tour operators will be required to maintain insurance bonds from the CAA. This will ensure that tourists will be able to obtain refunds is they are effected by events that deny them from travelling. The ATOL licence and CAA insurance will also ensure that tour operators are able to find backup solutions in the case of any problems that may occur with the accommodation or any other activities that are included in the flight and holiday package.

If a tour operator does not hold an ATOL licence or the licence has expired without the intention of renewing the licence it would be a breach of trade. This means that the tour operator will be placed on a list with other tour operators that are not legally allowed to sell flight tickets and holiday packages to tourists. In terms of legal proceedings the case of not having an ATOL licence will be a criminal offence as the tour operators will be illegally selling tickets to tourists. In terms of dispute resolution the case between ATOL and tour operators that are breaching the legislation will be dealt as litigation.

The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA)

The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) was founded by 22 leading travel companies in the 1950’s. ABTA since the 150’s has become the UK’s largest travel association which represents tour operators and travel agents. ABTA currently represent around 5,000 shops and offices and have around 1,200 members. ABTA have been a trusted travel brand for over 60 years as they offer advice and guidance to holiday makers.

ABTA have a code of conduct which is abide by their members. The code of conduct includes areas such as accurate advertising, fair terms of trading, changes to bookings and managing customer’s complaints. ABTA’s registered members must ensure that when they are advertising holidays that all the information must be correct which includes no misinterpretations of advertisements and services provided.

Customers are protected by ABTA’s code of conduct which means that holiday makers can expect to relax once there holidays have been booked. This has to do with the fact that the holidays which have been sold by ABTA members are protected financially in the event of the companies failure in being able to provide the holiday and also in the event of the travel agency or tour operator closing down due to not having the financial stabilities. As long as the holidays have been booked trough ABTA member agencies it would mean that all damage costs will be covered by ABTA which will leave the holiday maker stress free.  

If there are any situations that involve problems with the travel arrangements or with miss sold packages then the holiday maker will have the option to solve this issue in court trough the civil law process. The argument of miss sold holiday packages can be bought up in court if a tour operator that is a member of ABTA has provided false advertisements for the destination and the services on the holiday which include hotels and activities. 
