Thursday 7 May 2015

Equality Law

Equality Law

What is discrimination?
Discrimination is the unjust and unfair treatment of people. When an individual is discriminated it has to do with the fact that they feel as if they are being treated unfairly due to different purposes which can especially be on the grounds of race, religion, age and sex.
Different types and forms of discrimination:

  • ·   Direct discrimination is one form of discrimination. This is when a person is being discriminated and targeting directly.

  • ·         Indirect discrimination is when rules have been put into place for everyone within the workforce but it has a negative impact on a certain person or a certain percentage of people within that group.

  • ·         Harassment is another form of discrimination. This is done when someone at a workplace is behaving bad and abusing employees. This can be both verbal and physical harassment.

  • ·         Victimisation is another form of discrimination. This is when you are targeted and treated unfairly because they have complained about discrimination or harassment

Equality act 2010:

The equality act 2010 focuses on ensuring that everyone within the organisation is being treated equally. The act provides protection for everyone including people who may be affected by disabilities. The act allows everyone to feel equal which means that applicant for the jobs cannot be treated unfairly.

How the equality act applies in the Travel and Tourism industry:

The quality act applies in all industries as it is a very important act. However some organisations and industries try to ignore he act and manage to break the law by supporting discrimination and misusing the equality act. As the equality act is important for each and every individual it is essential that the organisation implies the equality act 2010 within the industry.  

·         Travel agent:

Travel agents need to ensure that they are not discriminating their employees. They need to treat all their employees equally and not treat certain employees that work for the organisation unfairly. An example of this could be that they need to ensure that both male and female employees are being treated equally and have been given the same objective and workload. In some cases organisations such as Travel agents whom rely on sales of holiday packages tend to put more pressure on certain employee to complete sales of holiday packages. When travel agents are having difficult times and are not managing to sell holiday packages they tend to release the pressure on their employees. This could lead to one particular employee being treated unfairly due to the poor industry performances.

·         Airlines:

Airlines tend to discriminate more than any other organisation. This has to do with the fact that they tend to hire a higher number of females for the job. The airline industry needs to ensure that they are giving employees an equal opportunity to work in higher positions within the organisation. As the airline industry demands working in a fast working environment they tend to forget about the equality act as candidates with disabilities tend to find it hard to get a job within the airline industry. The airline industry is also known to have a lot of sex discrimination and harassment cases as female employees may not be treated right by the organisation.


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